Thursday, December 23, 2004

The year that was...

Well, its a new year and allow me to philosophize about the "Year That Was". I always loved doing this, looking back and seeing it from a different perspective somehow. Other memories just get muddled up and the rest are simply forgotten. I always try to keep the good ones of course.

This year, the trips are the most fun. I've spent few days in Hong Kong with friends, both for work and pleasure. It was simply amazing. I also finally brought a couple of my good friends to my hometown, in Cagayan de Oro. And we had fun. And then I got another close friend from UP to go to Cagayan too. And I got to visit Cebu again with friends. What struck me most is that, even if the place is great, if you don't have good company, then that's gonna suck big time.

This year I've also come to terms with what role I play in my family. Before this year, I've managed to basically go around doing my chores, keeping the big decisions up to the "older" ones. This year, I finally decided to take on the responsibility that my family - my dad, my mom and my younger sisters, my aunts and uncles and cousins - bestowed on me. I am the eldest daughter of parents who married young, along with that fact came the experience of watching your parents make sometimes not so good decision. I've taken on the responsibility of helping them decide which way to go. But I can never be my parents, I can only help my parents become better parents. I've also come to be the bridge for my sisters and parents to communicate. Which is not an easy feat considering everyone's in cagayan and I'm here in Makati. I am 24 hour on call.

2004 was a year where I saw my team at work grow. It's amazing to see them like that. It great to hear them talk shop. And it specially feels nice to know that you've been there to help them where they are now.

Other many greats: two very dear friends are now mommies! This other friend was nowhere the mother figure up til 2 days before she gave birth. But when I watched her take care of her baby, I couldn't believe what was happening in front of me. The other friend was always the more responsible one among the barkada.

And, I think, most importantly, 2004 was the year when I realized that things change. People change. Priorities change. But the good things stay the same, the care and the need for friends and family stay the same.

With that, I'm somewhat looking forward to 2005 and what it will bring.