Monday, April 06, 2009

Long weekends

Could mean many things and could make new things happen. It could mean doing things that you previously didn't have time to do. It could give you time to reconnect and rebond with your husband, your kid and your friends.

I do wish that we'd normally have 3-day long weekends. I wish that we'd always find time to see who our partner really is.

I did all my errands in 2 days. Bugged the maids enough, and got things done. I played a lot with my son, we spent every second we had. He's growing up so fast, he told me "When I grow up, I will play tennis, basketball" :) He's a big growing boy.

Tomorrow is going to be swimming day! And BBQ lunch. Not just any BBQ mind you, but CDO-recipe BBQ. I'm totally excited! :)

1 comment:

Your Girl said...

i love long weekends! i think most working moms see long weekends as the perfect opportunity to bond not only with the kids but with the hub as well.

btw, i tagged u. :)